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Chiratae Spotlight 2023: Building Connections in Investment World

Team Chiratae

Dec 29, 2023

The 9th edition of Chiratae Ventures Spotlight was held in Mumbai in October, and it saw ~40 portfolio companies, ~150 investors and ~550 one-on-one meetings. 

Our portfolio day, Chiratae Ventures Spotlight, brings together portfolio companies and investors in a dynamic environment about growth, engagement, and discovery. 

Investors today seek a deeper understanding of enterprises before making investment decisions. Spotlight is the catalyst for this engagement. It offers a first-hand look at the businesses through direct interactions with founders and senior management of portfolio companies. 

We are thrilled to share some key takeaways from Spotlight and some of the feedback we received:

Where Connections Lead to Investments 

At Chiratae, we realise the importance and value of time for investors and portfolio founders. The aim is to ensure connections that lead to investments. Every year, we club our deep insights into bringing people together and leveraging technology to pull this feat of hosting multiple meetings in a day. This systematic and personalised approach ensures that connections are truly meaningful.

Learning and Fine-Tuning: Portfolio companies benefit from engaging with a diverse range of investors. They meet key personnel, understand different investment hypotheses, and receive critical feedback that helps them refine their visions and pitches. 

Augment Investment Hypothesis: Portfolio companies present at Spotlight help investors compare and contrast businesses, enhancing their investment strategies.

Networking: Beyond investments, this event is about building connections. Portfolio companies have the opportunity to interact with fellow founders, fostering synergies and sharing best practices.

This year we had industry partners such as SBI, SDBI and the likes of Google and AWS set up a booth and meet and engage with our portfolio companies and share their offerings with them. 

Diverse Investor Base: Investors come in various forms, from financial investors across stages to corporate venture capital entities, family offices, venture debt entities, and limited partners. This diversity allows for a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Discover New Assets: Investors get a chance to discover novel business ideas and opportunities. This is where unique business models and investment opportunities are unveiled.

Recommendations: Based on their experiences with investors at Spotlight, portfolio companies can make recommendations to their peers, further expanding the investment network.

Here’s a glimpse into the Spotlight 2023 

We invite investors to be a part of this exciting journey with us. If you’re an investor looking to be a part of Chiratae Ventures Spotlight, please contact us at


See you at Spotlight 2024!